Scott Birdsey really rad festival of cyclocross
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Scott Birdsey is Biking Borders for Diversity in Cycling

By: Zhanee Simpson  October 23, 2020

Scott Birdsey is Biking Borders for Diversity in Cycling, raising donations for the USA Cycling Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fund

Scott Birdsey is over halfway to his goal of raising $5,000 for the USA Cycling Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fund. Find out more about how to support at

The Journey

Where did your cycling journey begin? Was it when you got your first bike when you were a kid or did you discover the sport when you went off to college?

For Scott Birdsey, his cycling journey began five years ago. At a crossroads in life, looking for something new, Birdsey pulled upon his love for two-wheeled vessels and shifted his focus from motorcycles to bicycles. When asked how he got into the sport of cycling, Birdsey says, “ I was honestly looking for kind of just a new friend group really, I really got into it to meet new people.” Leaning on the fact that some of his friends were into cycling, he had a revelation, purchased his first bike, and began his journey with group rides.

“ I was honestly looking for kind of just a new friend group really, I really got into it to meet new people.”

The more he got into the cycling world, the more he started to hone in on training and racing. Birdsey went on to point out that the process of self-improvement has become part of his passion for the sport.

Immersing himself into the cycling community, Birdsey has served on the board of a racing club, co-directed a race, and once owned a small cycling apparel company. According to Birdsey, the cycling community has a ton of room for creative expression. First, getting involved with his local club, he volunteered to redesign their kits, make water bottles, and so much more. While the cycling community's social experience brought him in, his drive for self-improvement and passion for creativity is why he is here to stay.

About the Ride

Scott Birdsey's Biking Borders for Diversity in Cycling will take place along the border of New York State. Birdsey will be traveling from south to north; the ride will end at the Canadian border. Being the biggest ride he has ever done, Birdsey has set a goal to finish the ride in roughly 18 hours. The ride itself is approximately 330miles and 15,000 feet of climbing. There is no current record set for this particular passage; this ride will be registered as a record attempt with the World Ultra Cycling Association. This ride is a way for Birdsey to give something back to the cycling community. He has benefited so much from the community that he created a way to pay it forward.

"I wanted to do something greater for the cycling community."

Birdsey has started a GoFundMe page to raise funds for USA Cycling's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts. Efforts to be intentional, listen, learn, lead, show respect, and foster growth within the cycling community.

We asked why he chose USA Cycling as the recipient of his donation and, more specifically, why Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Birdsey's response was, "[USA Cycling] is the bastion of American Cycling." As it pertains to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the topic is extraordinarily important to him. He says asking him what diversity means to him is like asking him what oxygen means to him. His hope for the future of cycling is for it to become a reflection of how diverse the nation is. He wants it to become the melting pot America has been known to be.

"Yeah I mean that's almost like asking what oxygen means to me."

[Scott Birdsey] "Pushing for greater equity of opportunity is about recognizing that there are people in our society who have been and continue to be undervalued and inappropriately treated on a greater systemic or cultural level. Our American experiment is unique, because it is largely the only nation in modern history founded on common ideals, rather than common ethnicity or geography. Ideals like liberty, equity, and opportunity. It has never been a perfect system, but it can continue to get better everyday if we do the work. It's just like what Greg LeMond, one of the great American cyclists, said of racing: 'It never gets easier, you just get faster'. And to quote another towering figure in American history, the singer Ray Charles, 'if one of us is chained, none of us are free."

Scott's Challenge to You!

Scott Birdsey's request for you is to think about what cycling has done for you and imagine ways to share that with others. There are people out there who may not be aware of cycling or have access to it. There is a unique culture built around cycling; his challenge to you is to share the energy of the cycling community with the world.

Biking Boarders for Diversity in Cycling Update

Scott Birdsey set off to complete his Biking Borders for Diversity in Cycling ride on Sunday, October 18, 2020. While he did not complete the 330-mile ride, he did reach and surpass his goal to raise $5,000 for USA Cycling Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts. Birdsey has not given up and has indicated that he is currently planning his second attempt.

Follow Scott's journey at the link below: